Category: Spiritual Practices

Ordination of Becky Hoover to Seventy at Mission Center Conference 2024

I was born and raised in Raytown, Missouri, baptized and guided in the Raytown RLDS / Community  of Christ congregation. I am a 5th generation member of this church on my mom’s side, so my roots run deep. My parents, Art & Louise Timson, my three sisters and I, were very involved in all activities…

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Spiritual Practices Have No Age Limit

Walking a labyrinth. Taking deep breaths. Centering ourselves in the quiet. Communing with nature. Spiritual practices often invoke within us visions of serious adults, engaging in serious discernment for serious reasons. Because how else could God communicate with us unless God could see how seriously we’re taking this? But in Community of Christ, we express…

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Prayer for the Blessings of Community

Offered by Ashley Whitham on January 14, 2024 at Community Connections Online Worship God of handshakes, God of fist bumps, God of back-slapping hugs and forehead kisses, We invite Your Spirit of relationship to join with us tonight as we celebrate the blessings of community. Whether we frequent a church building, meet friends in the…

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I am God’s Work: A Centering Moment

A Centering Moment written by Ashley Whitham (she/her) and presented at ‘Coming Out Monologues 6’ held October 11, 2023. At this time, I would invite you to sit comfortably, stable and connected to what is beneath you. And close your eyes if that feels safe to you. Let’s take a few breaths in and out,…

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Discernment Should be Fun

by Ashley Whitham Discipleship Development Minister This may seem weird to some, but I’m a firm believer that discernment can and should be fun. Too often ministers make it too serious, and the process becomes heavy and burdensome. We make it too hard. What gets in the way of discernment being fun? First our own…

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Circles of Support

Spiritual Practice Presented at GPNW MC Conference 2022 Pastors and Staff Breakfast By Ashley Whitham This morning, I’ll invite you to sit comfortably with your feet on the floor, and preferably with support against your back. Close your eyes. In your mind, imagine yourself in a large circle. If there were a target on the…

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Movement of a Disciple’s Life

Spiritual Practice presented at GPNW Mission Center Conference 2022 during the Business Meeting By Ashley Whitham How had you moved through your life as a disciple? This weekend’s theme is courage, but they all have different actions paired with courage, because the courage of a disciple inspires us to move. So as we pause this…

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Prayer of Awareness

MC Conference 2022 Opening Worship Written by Carol West, Cowlitz Valley Pastor Team Member Father,We quiet our minds in this moment to let go of concerns, worries, stresses, pains and agendas. We seek Your wisdom and courage to see what you have laid before us as congregations, as Community of Christ, but also as disciples….

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