Category: Prophetic People

The Missing Generations: a Gap in Church Leadership

by Ashley Whitham I remember being so excited a few years ago when I heard Steve Veazey say that the church needs to be looking to the younger generations for leadership, and then so bothered when everyone then looked at me. I’m forty. I’m not young. I was getting excited by the thought of turning…

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Western Field Retreat: A Time of Dreaming

Submitted by Ashley Whitham Last weekend, six church employees who live in the Pacific Northwest joined with other Community of Christ employees and lay ministers who work in the Western field at Buckhorn Campgrounds. Under the leadership of Apostle Shandra Newcom and guest ministers Shane and Alli, we did the very hard work of visioning…

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Discernment Should be Fun

by Ashley Whitham Discipleship Development Minister This may seem weird to some, but I’m a firm believer that discernment can and should be fun. Too often ministers make it too serious, and the process becomes heavy and burdensome. We make it too hard. What gets in the way of discernment being fun? First our own…

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The End of Lent | We Don’t Go Back to Regular Life. We Move Forward in the Newness of Christ.

By Ashley Whitham At the beginning of Lent, I shared in a “Coffeeshop Conversations” worship with some friends about our Lent journeys. At the end, I was lamenting that I didn’t know what to give up, because the thought of trying to track an addition or subtraction from my daily life would likely add to…

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I cannot say, “Not All Christians”

By Ashley Whitham On social media these days, I see a lot of people angry and hurting from interactions with Christians. Some of it stems from childhood, some more recent. Hate-filled comments online cursing strangers to hell and denouncing their lives as sinful leaves a bad taste in just about everyone’s mouth. And when I…

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Lament #4

Submitted by Susan Gregory Creator of All, I am SO concerned and horrified by the events happening in Gaza and Israel. So many innocent lives are being shattered. So many are dying. God, this cannot be your will. How long will you just be an observer? My prayerful request is that your Holy Spirit touch…

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Lament #3

Submitted by Barbara Wilson Infinite Spaciousness, Within You all is possible – and is already happening.At all times I am being acted upon by Your Will – by Your Divine Plan. I hear the frustration, even more, the defeat and emptiness in the voices of Your children who appear to be beyond hope.Yet they reach…

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Lament #2

Submitted by Ashley Whitham Mama God, the One who holds me in Her arms when life is too much;the One who wipes away the tears from my face and kisses my forehead;the One who knows my pain before I speak it aloud;the One who is my companion when I am lonely; We are loose, lost,…

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Prayer of Lament

Submitted by Ron Harmon O great disruptor of the status quo, Why do the voices of those who preach division and fear seem to drown out the voices of inclusion and hope? Why does justice seem to illude those places in our world where your people call out for release? Why are those of us…

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