

“COURAGE” Submitted by Kim Naten, GPNW Mission Center President We’ve been home from World Conference and Independence, Missouri now for about 3 weeks, which seems like a long time. . .  but also feels like yesterday.  The experience of attending this triennial event (give or take a year when a pandemic occurs) leaves deep and…

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World Conference 2023

Information for GPNW Mission Center Delegates and Alternates World Conference 2023 is quickly approaching, so please check here regularly for announcements and updates. Also refer to for additional information, including all legislation, daily schedule and other events.  REGISTRATION OPEN: Online registration for World Conference is open for delegates and children, at Register before March 1 to get…

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Proclamation of Joy

Mission Center President Kim NatenOpening Worship Address “Courage to Dance”Mission Center Conference 2022: Courage My comments this morning start with a story.  A Love story.  Near the beginning of the 3rd grade, a classmate of mine, Regina Hoag, and I began ballet classes together.  I have no recollection of how that came about, but her…

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Circles of Support

Spiritual Practice Presented at GPNW MC Conference 2022 Pastors and Staff Breakfast By Ashley Whitham This morning, I’ll invite you to sit comfortably with your feet on the floor, and preferably with support against your back. Close your eyes. In your mind, imagine yourself in a large circle. If there were a target on the…

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Movement of a Disciple’s Life

Spiritual Practice presented at GPNW Mission Center Conference 2022 during the Business Meeting By Ashley Whitham How had you moved through your life as a disciple? This weekend’s theme is courage, but they all have different actions paired with courage, because the courage of a disciple inspires us to move. So as we pause this…

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The End of Lent | We Don’t Go Back to Regular Life. We Move Forward in the Newness of Christ.

By Ashley Whitham At the beginning of Lent, I shared in a “Coffeeshop Conversations” worship with some friends about our Lent journeys. At the end, I was lamenting that I didn’t know what to give up, because the thought of trying to track an addition or subtraction from my daily life would likely add to…

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