The Chinook Blog

Pentecost Guided Meditation

by Ashley Whitham Please sit comfortably, with your eyes closed. You’re sitting on the floor. You’ve been sitting here for… days? Has it been a week yet? Time doesn’t really matter here. You’re with friends, but it’s hardly a party. Everyone is just sitting, staring at the floor. You’re all just exhausted from the emotional…

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Lament #4

Submitted by Susan Gregory Creator of All, I am SO concerned and horrified by the events happening in Gaza and Israel. So many innocent lives are being shattered. So many are dying. God, this cannot be your will. How long will you just be an observer? My prayerful request is that your Holy Spirit touch…

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Lament #3

Submitted by Barbara Wilson Infinite Spaciousness, Within You all is possible – and is already happening.At all times I am being acted upon by Your Will – by Your Divine Plan. I hear the frustration, even more, the defeat and emptiness in the voices of Your children who appear to be beyond hope.Yet they reach…

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Lament #2

Submitted by Ashley Whitham Mama God, the One who holds me in Her arms when life is too much;the One who wipes away the tears from my face and kisses my forehead;the One who knows my pain before I speak it aloud;the One who is my companion when I am lonely; We are loose, lost,…

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Prayer of Lament

Submitted by Ron Harmon O great disruptor of the status quo, Why do the voices of those who preach division and fear seem to drown out the voices of inclusion and hope? Why does justice seem to illude those places in our world where your people call out for release? Why are those of us…

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Transforming to a Circular Economy | June Climate Webinar

In this session we start examining the pervasive structural issues that shape our world–in this case the basic economic model.  (Note:  consumerism will be a separate session).  Our current practice is a Create-Use-Discard economy that results in ravaged mountains, toxic tailing ponds, abusive child labour, abandoned oil wells, and mountains of trash.  The old model…

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Climate Resources for Online Reunions

Submitted by Susan Oxley, North American Climate Justice Team The North American Climate Justice Team of Community of Christ has created two engagement sessions for online reunions to offer participants in the Sacredness of Creation and concerns over Climate Change.  Each is designed to be a stand-alone hour-long session.  Here are summaries of the content, and…

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Submitted by Steve Pomeroy, Committee Chairperson On behalf of the GPNW Mission Center, the Bold Moves Grants Committee is pleased to announce the awarding of two new grants in the Spring cycle of 2021.  Congratulations go to Eugene Congregation  and Bridges To Peace, a non-profit organization being shepherded through Garden Grove Congregation, as they embark…

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