The Chinook Blog

Statement on the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

From Community of Christ Announcements posted 8/6/2020 August 6 and 9 mark the somber 75th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. World Conference Resolution 1178, Nuclear Arms Reduction; and WCR 1303, Action toward Nuclear Weapons Abolition, encourage the church to denounce the violence of nuclear weapons and acknowledge the suffering they…

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Faith & Formation Videos: July 2020

Faith and Formation (which meets online on Wednesday evenings) has been viewing presentations by religious leaders, scholars and philosophers of various faiths and denominations to expand our personal and communal theological understandings. At the end of every week, we ask the important question: “What about this presentation was compatible or incompatible with Community of Christ…

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Community Connections: Online Worship

Our Online Worships are the 2nd and 4th Sunday evenings, beginning with “Foyer” Time at 6:00 PM (PT). “Foyer” Greetings is an opportunity to say hello, make sure you’re connected properly, and prepare for worship. The worship will begin at 6:30 PM (PT) and end around 7:30 PM (PT) with “Parking Lot” Goodbyes. “Parking Lot”…

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No Indoor Worship for August

Due to the consistent increase in COVID cases throughout Oregon, Washington and Alaska, the Mission Center Leadership Team (MCLT) has determined that no new applications for indoor worship will be approved through August. Applications for permission to hold outdoor worship or other gatherings may be submitted for review. Please note that masks are required for outdoor gatherings at…

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Bridge of Hope Retirement Responsibilities

GPNW Mission Center has been given a target of raising $3 million toward the Bridge of Hope retirement responsibility.  The deadline for meeting this target is January 1, 2024.  To date, our mission center has already contributed close to $500,000 of that target through various net proceeds of property sales and congregational generosity through contributions from investment…

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Faith & Formation Videos: The Beginning

Faith and Formation (which meets online on Wednesday evenings) has been viewing presentations by religious leaders, scholars and philosophers of various faiths and denominations to expand our personal and communal theological understandings. At the end of every week, we ask the important question: “What about this presentation was compatible or incompatible with Community of Christ…

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