The Chinook Blog

Sacredness of Creation: Join the Conversation

Notice, Gaze, Cherish, Bless:  Holy Attention to Awaken Our Hearts Come join us in the third conversation about the Sacredness of Creation as we practice noticing and cherishing nature in its beauty, and as we acknowledge the evidence of creation increasingly out of balance.   Share your story of intentional moments you have noticed and gazed…

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You’re Invited to two Video Premiers with Jan Kraybill

Originally published in Community of Christ Announcements Sept 1, 2020 Jan Kraybill, Community of Christ organist-in-residence, is all ears. And hands, and feet. The Grammy-nominated performer often enjoys hearing and answering her audience’s questions, especially if she’s playing a demonstration concert at the Temple or Auditorium in Independence, Missouri, USA. But because the world is…

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Faith & Formation Videos: August 2020

Faith and Formation (which meets online on Wednesday evenings) has been viewing presentations by religious leaders, scholars and philosophers of various faiths and denominations to expand our personal and communal theological understandings. At the end of every week, we ask the important question: “What about this presentation was compatible or incompatible with Community of Christ…

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New Expressions Fund Launches

For over a year now, you’ve heard your Mission Center Leadership Team talk about New Expressions of Community.  It’s been introduced through Chinook articles, during chats at Reunion, in sermons, and more. At our Mission Center Conference last November, we shared a vision for engagement in New Expressions of Community and also passed a resolution…

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Your Invitation Awaits: LET’S RISK SOMETHING NEW!

Originally printed in the Winter/Spring 2020 Chinook “Community of Christ,” your name, given as a divine blessing, is your identity and calling. If you will discern and embrace its full meaning, you will not only discover your future, you will become a blessing to the whole creation. Do not be afraid to go where it…

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Creating a Prophet’s Playlist – Frustration

Have you ever listened to the same song for more than an hour? How about two? Currently, as I’m writing this, I’m nearly finished with hour three listening to the same song. I was up late, cleaning. (I’m a mom – it’s easier to clean when the kids aren’t actively making it dirty…) I started…

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Creating a Prophet’s Playlist – Self-Love

I haven’t finished my research on being a prophetic people yet, but I am completely convinced that the first step towards embracing the role of prophet is being grounded in our own giftedness. Understanding who we are, our own talents and skills – not in a way that boosts our egos or as social status,…

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Statement on the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

From Community of Christ Announcements posted 8/6/2020 August 6 and 9 mark the somber 75th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. World Conference Resolution 1178, Nuclear Arms Reduction; and WCR 1303, Action toward Nuclear Weapons Abolition, encourage the church to denounce the violence of nuclear weapons and acknowledge the suffering they…

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Faith & Formation Videos: July 2020

Faith and Formation (which meets online on Wednesday evenings) has been viewing presentations by religious leaders, scholars and philosophers of various faiths and denominations to expand our personal and communal theological understandings. At the end of every week, we ask the important question: “What about this presentation was compatible or incompatible with Community of Christ…

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