The Chinook Blog

Creating Inclusive Space: Why Pronouns Are Important

Written by Sean Langdon & Dylan Weaver Words in regular font written by Sean LangdonWords in bold font written by Dylan Weaver With the rise of online ministries, I have often been asked, “Why does is say “He/Him” next to your name?”. This is a good question! In recent years, you have likely seen more…

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Giving Tuesday

Double the Good This year a generous matching contribution of $200,000 has been pledged for this event. For example, a $25.00 contribution becomes $50.00.   Any size donation to Worldwide Mission Tithes helps bring hope to people around the world! In 2020, contributions have meant: COVID-19 crisis relief and oblation aid, including $100,500 to Haiti, Africa,…

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2020 Collins Summit: Shalom in Divided Times

On Wednesday, November 18, from 7-8:30 PM (Pacific), Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) will be hosting their annual Collins Summit online. This provides a greater opportunity for people not just from Oregon but all over to participate.  It’s no secret we are living in unprecedented and divided times. Racial unrest, political tensions, and COVID-19 have…

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Sacredness of Creation: Conversation #4

Hope for a New Creation:  Building a Bridge to the Future Come join us in the fourth conversation about the Sacredness of Creation as we acknowledge the evidence of creation increasingly out of balance.   Share your hope for the future and the evidence of God’s activity even when creation is unraveling in climate crisis.  Invite…

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Mission Center Online Conference 2020: Claiming Our Prophetic Voice

Mission Center Conference will be held on Saturday, Nov. 7th this year, via Zoom. As your Mission Center Leadership Team discussed the options, we agreed that thanks to our many worship and fellowship opportunities offered over Zoom since the pandemic began 6 months ago, our mission center is adept and familiar enough with this platform to successfully conduct…

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Faith & Formation Videos: September 2020

Faith and Formation (which meets online on Wednesday evenings) has been viewing presentations by religious leaders, scholars and philosophers of various faiths and denominations to expand our personal and communal theological understandings. At the end of every week, we ask the important question: “What about this presentation was compatible or incompatible with Community of Christ…

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Engage in the Generosity Cycle

The Generosity CycleOriginally published in Community of Christ Announcements Sept 28, 2020 We would like to invite your congregation or mission center to participate in the Generosity CycleOctober 11, 2020 -November 15, 2020 The Church celebrates various seasons, such as Advent and Lent, where our gaze is focused in a certain direction and we spend time in meaningful…

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Sacredness of Creation: Join the Conversation

Notice, Gaze, Cherish, Bless:  Holy Attention to Awaken Our Hearts Come join us in the third conversation about the Sacredness of Creation as we practice noticing and cherishing nature in its beauty, and as we acknowledge the evidence of creation increasingly out of balance.   Share your story of intentional moments you have noticed and gazed…

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