Ashley Whitham
Discipleship Development Minister
Ashley Whitham is excited to work, live and love the GPNW Mission Center. A native of Vancouver, WA, Ashley was blessed, baptized, confirmed, ordained, and spiritually formed at the Garden Grove congregation. She grew up as an active participant in the camping program, as camper, counselor, and director. Ashley graduated from Graceland University with a BA in Psychology and Religion before returning home to the Northwest, graduating from Marylhurst University’s Master of Divinity program. Ashley is a mom of two, Katherine and Isaac, who both enjoy traveling around the Mission Center with their mom.
Duties & Responsibilities
New Expressions
Community Connections
Beyond Horizons
Faith & Formation
Temple School Classes & Priesthood Development
Youth Ministry & Youth Retreats
Adult Education
Cluster 4 Leader
Spiritual & Discernment Practices
Ashley’s Favorite Things: Scripture Study, Enduring Principles, and Ministry Plans!
Cluster 4 Support Leader
Covering congregations from Puyallup to Samish, Sequim to East Wenatchee, Cluster 4 support team works together to bring aid and assistance to our congregational leaders. Solo pastors and pastor teams have questions, ideas, problems and innovations. Cluster 4 pastors and pastor teams have a lot on their shoulders as administrative leaders but also visioning and leading their congregations towards a new future. Our Cluster 4 team helps as sounding boards, advisors, and chairing business meetings.
Zoom Office Hours
Ashley keeps a zoom office hour for anyone in the Mission Center who has questions or wants to talk about stuff (like Ashley’s duties or her favorite things). Current Mission Center Zoom Office Hours (as of January 1, 2025) are Mondays from 10-11 am. The Zoom link for these times is:
Meeting ID: 860 9913 0723
Passcode: 399665