Lewis River Campground

Observe & Respond

Introduction by Kim Naten, GPNW Mission Center President, Community of Christ This past week, I was blessed to be able to attend both the Samish Island and the Lewis River Intergenerational Retreats.  (I regret that I wasn’t able to attend the Camp Remote retreat due to a previous commitment, but I know it was a…

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May Special Offerings: Campground Support

For many years it has been the practice of many congregations in the GPNW Mission Center to have special offerings to support local Reunions in an effort to lower prices for those gatherings. Those offerings have been appreciated. Because camps and reunions have been cancelled again for 2021, those special offerings this year will be…

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Intergenerational Summer Retreats 2021

As has been announced, youth camps and reunions as we know them won’t be happening this summer but we are hopeful that we may still be able to gather safely for some long-weekend retreat experiences. The purpose of these retreats are to gather and spend time in fellowship in a beautiful, sacred setting with folks we haven’t…

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Press Release: GPNW Emergency Funds Awarded

As was authorized by the GPNW Mission Center conference in November of 2020—per the resolution titled “Establishment of the ‘Emergency’ Fund”—the Mission Center Financial Officer consulted with field leadership and with a sub-committee of the Mission Center Council to determine the proper uses of said Emergency Fund.  Three jurisdictions applied for the distribution of emergency…

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