Attention youth currently in grades 9-12… Plan now to attend Spectacular (SPEC) 2022 with the Northwest Delegation! Our trip will be July 13-23, 2022. We’ll spend July 13-16 in retreat as a delegation at the Family Life Center in Independence, MO. Then we travel to Graceland University for SPEC from July 16-23. 

The camper fee for this year’s trip is $960. This covers your airfare, most meals, delegation shirts, lodging, admission to Worlds of Fun/Oceans of Fun Amusement Park, and more! Your first payment of $500 will be due on April 15 and final payment of $460 will be due on May 20. More information will be shared soon. For now, plan on fundraisers to start earning money for this year’s trip. Due to increased travel costs, this year’s fee is higher. Therefore, we really encourage congregations and families to find ways to earn money to send their youth to SPEC. We will also have some financial assistance available. 

Questions? Contact Delegation Co-Leaders Sean Langdon and Kelly Mongrain by email: northwestspec@cofchrist-gpnw.org. For updates, follow “Northwest SPEC” on Facebook.