Samish Invitation for Volunteer Work

We know many of you have missed the privilege of going to the Samish Island Campground during this time of closures and restricted travel. While it’s true that the camp is essentially closed, the on-going tasks of maintenance and care still need to be done.  

If you are able, and would like to go to the camp and help with any number of tasks that need to be done, you can arrange to go there and spend a day or more helping with something you like to do. The jobs and tasks vary and we have a list of things that need to be done. 

It’s recommended that families or small groups go so as to comply with World Church, Mission Center and County health rules and guidelines. The Camp Manager can help you decide if your group fits the guidelines if you plan to go and spend time helping with work or projects at the camp. 

Make no mistake, we need lots of help especially since this will be the second year in a row where we have not been able to schedule the “work week.” Work Week has been where we’ve had many busy volunteers helping at the camp and we find our tasks are mounting with our lack of help.  

If you’d like to go and help, please contact the Camp Manager, Chris Steinel and make your arrangements. Chris’ email is ; email is the best way to get a hold of him. 

Thanks for your support and help! Download Work List of Tasks