Press Release: GPNW Emergency Funds Awarded

As was authorized by the GPNW Mission Center conference in November of 2020—per the resolution titled “Establishment of the ‘Emergency’ Fund”—the Mission Center Financial Officer consulted with field leadership and with a sub-committee of the Mission Center Council to determine the proper uses of said Emergency Fund.  Three jurisdictions applied for the distribution of emergency funds; all three were Mission Center Campgrounds:  Camp Remote, Lewis River, and Samish Island.

 Factors for making distribution decisions were varied and contextual and included the following considerations:

·         Losses in 2020

·         Overhead expenses

·         Overhead expenses that could be further reduced

·         Depth of capacity of supporting congregations and/or individuals

·         Vulnerability to further closures and cancellations in 2021

·         Demonstrated need according to overall financial health

 The following decisions have been made:

1.       The entirety of the $70,000.00 set aside in that fund should be payable immediately.

2.       Camp Remote shall receive $14,175.00.  This represents approximately 4.5 months of its operational expenses reported in 2020.

3.       Lewis River shall receive $25,000.00.  This represents approximately 3.75 months of its operational expenses reported in 2020.

4.       Samish Island shall receive $30,825.00.  This represents approximately 2.25 months of its operational expenses reported in 2020.

The amount our three campgrounds lost in 2020 was very large.  Indeed, the losses were far more than the entire amount of the Emergency Fund.  And we realize that these naked numbers may seem inequitable (particularly to Samish Island) to people who have not reviewed the large amount of data the above-mentioned people reviewed.  Nevertheless, we are confident of the overall distribution in regards to fairness and demonstrated need.  In particular we would like to remind GPNW that Samish Island is supported by 3 mission centers, and we intend to publish our decisions with those mission centers as a challenge to them to match our distribution.