For over a year now, you’ve heard your Mission Center Leadership Team talk about New Expressions of Community. It’s been introduced through Chinook articles, during chats at Reunion, in sermons, and more. At our Mission Center Conference last November, we shared a vision for engagement in New Expressions of Community and also passed a resolution to help support funding of New Expressions. Since then we have continued to work on defining this new missional endeavor even further. After input and review from your Mission Center Leadership Team, Mission Center Council, and the New Expressions Team, we are ready to officially launch our New Expressions of Community Funding Support opportunity beginning September 1, 2020. There will be two cycles every year for Funding Support. They begin September 1 and March 1.
To read about the particulars & requirements for funding support, click here.
To view the Funding Request Form: click here.
In the recent Winter/Spring 2020 issue of the Chinook, I shared an article titled, “Your Invitation Awaits: LET’S RISK SOMETHING NEW!” To read that article again on our online Chinook blog, click here.
Those serving on the New Expressions Team include:
- Sean Langdon, MC Invitation Support Minister (Team Lead)
- Kim Naten, MC President
- Donald Welch, MC Financial Officer
- Richard Betts, Western USA and Baja Mexico Mission Field representative
- Jammie Apodaca, Seventy
- Roschell Farnsworth, MC Council
- Gary Farnworth, At Large
- Sara Churchman, At Large
- Christine Campbell, At Large
As mentioned in the Chinook article, New Expressions is focused on creating Christian Community outside the context of congregational life. So, while someone who is a part of a congregation may begin a New Expression of Community and request funding support, it would not be affiliated with their congregation. To be clear, anyone who is a member of the church in the Greater Pacific Northwest USA Mission Center can begin a New Expression of Community.
For congregations wanting to explore ways of experimenting with Christian Community in the context of their congregational experience that would be Fresh Expressions of Ministry as outlined in the same Chinook article. Any congregations wanting to engage in Fresh Expressions of Ministry with grant support can apply for a Bold Moves Grant. Questions about the Bold Moves Grant program can be directed to the Bold Moves Committee Chairperson Steve Pomeroy (, 425-641-8876) or by going to
Please contact Sean Langdon (, 425-293-6366) or another member of the New Expressions Team with any questions and/or comments about New Expressions of Community. To explore opportunities for Fresh Expressions of Ministry in your congregation, contact a member of the Mission Center Leadership Team or your Leadership Support Minister. Seventy ministers are also a great resource for this as well!