May Special Offerings: Campground Support

For many years it has been the practice of many congregations in the GPNW Mission Center to have special offerings to support local Reunions in an effort to lower prices for those gatherings. Those offerings have been appreciated. Because camps and reunions have been cancelled again for 2021, those special offerings this year will be directed to support local campgrounds instead of the camps themselves. The month of May has been set aside for these types of offerings.

Any individual who wishes to make a special offering in the month of May should send a check to their local CFO with the words “May Campground Offering” on the memo line. You may also make e-tithing donations to campgrounds by selecting “Greater Pacific Northwest USA Mission Center” and then selecting the campground of your choice by following this link:

Finally you may send donations directly to campground treasurers. To do so, contact them below to get their mailing address:

Samish Island Campground & Retreat Center

Dave Skoor

Lewis River Campground

Dan Jackson

Camp Remote

Bev Burk

If you would like a very simple view of campground financial health in the mission center please click here. Detailed questions should be directed to Campground Treasurers. 

Any CFO who needs help processing donations like these please send Donald Welch a message: or 712-310-0718.