Engage in the Generosity Cycle

The Generosity Cycle
Originally published in Community of Christ Announcements Sept 28, 2020

We would like to invite your congregation or mission center to participate in the Generosity Cycle
October 11, 2020 -November 15, 2020
The Church celebrates various seasons, such as Advent and Lent, where our gaze is focused in a certain direction and we spend time in meaningful reflection and preparation.
For six weeks, the Generosity Cycle provides an annual opportunity to intentionally move together through a season of generosity. The four phases of the Generosity Cycle: Invite, Discover, Respond and Reflect encourage us to remember God’s extravagant grace and generosity, to discover a deeper joy in living Christ’s mission, and to respond through whole-life stewardship as we reflect on our lives as generous disciples.
Disciples’ Generous Response moments focused on the four phases of the Generosity Cycle starting October 11th can be found here.
Additional resources including a video and study guides are available here.
If you have questions or need more information about how your congregation or mission center can participate, please contact MissionFunding@CofChrist.org, 1-800-884-7526