Community Connections: Online Worship

Our Online Worships are the 2nd and 4th Sunday evenings, beginning with “Foyer” Time at 6:00 PM (PT). “Foyer” Greetings is an opportunity to say hello, make sure you’re connected properly, and prepare for worship. The worship will begin at 6:30 PM (PT) and end around 7:30 PM (PT) with “Parking Lot” Goodbyes. “Parking Lot” is a time for announcements to be shared by Mission Center Leadership with an opportunity to say goodbye to one another at the end of our online worship. More Info.

To connect to our online worships, click here
To listen in to the online worships, dial 1-669-900-6833 (Meeting ID: 841 448 115 / Password: 043423)

Online Communion
Here is some information to help you prepare for our sacred experience:
A reminder that all are welcome and invited to share in the sacrament of Communion. If you choose to participate, you will need to provide your own juice and bread or appropriate alternatives.
You can participate in Online Communion whether you are joining the service via webcam or your phone.
Joining by phone does meet the “online” requirements.
Per the guidelines for Online Communion, “real-time online participation” is a guiding principle for taking Communion this way. Therefore, the taking of Communion should only be observed if participating in the Sunday Morning worship. If you’re watching or listening to a recording of the worship, please contact your Pastor to make arrangements for Communion to be provided via the phone.
Tips for our Online Worships
You are welcome to use the chat feature but please be mindful of how you use it and how often as it can be distracting for others. Comments in the chat should be affirming in nature. Please keep negative or critical comments to yourself.
Be mindful of your surroundings and body movement while on the screen. In other words, don’t forget that others can see you.
If in front of a window, please close the curtains/blinds to avoid a glare on the screen. Your mic will be muted at 10:40 AM and will stay muted until following the announcements at the end.
The Mission Center will be recording our Online Services for those who are not able to participate in a service on Sunday Morning. If you miss the service but would like to request the link to watch it, please contact Sean Langdon (, 425-293-6366).