Category: Finances

May Special Offerings: Campground Support

For many years it has been the practice of many congregations in the GPNW Mission Center to have special offerings to support local Reunions in an effort to lower prices for those gatherings. Those offerings have been appreciated. Because camps and reunions have been cancelled again for 2021, those special offerings this year will be…

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Bridge of Hope: GPNW Update

Greetings GPNW Mission Center Readers.  The Bridge of Hope Strategic Planning Team has requested that I publish an update on the Mission Center’s progress toward our goal of reaching the $3M target we have been handed.  This announcement will be updated whenever there is a significant change to announce.  Below is where we stand. Property…

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Press Release: GPNW Emergency Funds Awarded

As was authorized by the GPNW Mission Center conference in November of 2020—per the resolution titled “Establishment of the ‘Emergency’ Fund”—the Mission Center Financial Officer consulted with field leadership and with a sub-committee of the Mission Center Council to determine the proper uses of said Emergency Fund.  Three jurisdictions applied for the distribution of emergency…

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Giving Tuesday

Double the Good This year a generous matching contribution of $200,000 has been pledged for this event. For example, a $25.00 contribution becomes $50.00.   Any size donation to Worldwide Mission Tithes helps bring hope to people around the world! In 2020, contributions have meant: COVID-19 crisis relief and oblation aid, including $100,500 to Haiti, Africa,…

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Engage in the Generosity Cycle

The Generosity CycleOriginally published in Community of Christ Announcements Sept 28, 2020 We would like to invite your congregation or mission center to participate in the Generosity CycleOctober 11, 2020 -November 15, 2020 The Church celebrates various seasons, such as Advent and Lent, where our gaze is focused in a certain direction and we spend time in meaningful…

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Bridge of Hope Retirement Responsibilities

GPNW Mission Center has been given a target of raising $3 million toward the Bridge of Hope retirement responsibility.  The deadline for meeting this target is January 1, 2024.  To date, our mission center has already contributed close to $500,000 of that target through various net proceeds of property sales and congregational generosity through contributions from investment…

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