GPNW Mission Center has been given a target of raising $3 million toward the Bridge of Hope retirement responsibility. The deadline for meeting this target is January 1, 2024. To date, our mission center has already contributed close to $500,000 of that target through various net proceeds of property sales and congregational generosity through contributions from investment accounts. In order to ensure we meet our goal, the Mission Center Leadership Team has created the Bridge of Hope Strategic Planning Team whose focus will be to discern various methods for reaching this goal. The team is comprised of members throughout the mission center with expertise in strategic planning, business/project development, visioning, church planting, etc. Members of the Strategic Planning Team are: David Anderson (Redmond OR), Jammie Apodaca (Selah WA), Gary Farnsworth (Bend OR), David Irby (Redmond WA), Dan Jackson (Vancouver WA), Sean Langdon (Springfield OR), Bill McFarlin (Vancouver WA), Kim Naten (Chehalis WA), Steve Pomeroy (Bellevue WA), Brenda Sargent (Longview WA), Deborah Towner (Bothell WA), Donald Welch (Salem OR) and Dean Wight (Bellingham WA). The Team is chaired by Kim Naten, GPNMC President.
Over the next 3 ½ years, the Team will report to the mission center membership on its progress. We are excited to bring together the collective giftedness, experience, wisdom and creativity within our mission center to not only accomplish the monetary Bridge of Hope retirement goal, but to spend time discerning and visioning a bridge to OUR future in Community of Christ. Stay tuned for more information soon.