2020 Collins Summit: Shalom in Divided Times

On Wednesday, November 18, from 7-8:30 PM (Pacific), Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) will be hosting their annual Collins Summit online. This provides a greater opportunity for people not just from Oregon but all over to participate. 

It’s no secret we are living in unprecedented and divided times. Racial unrest, political tensions, and COVID-19 have impacted nearly every aspect of our lives. What does shalom and unity look like in 2020? Shalom is a Hebrew word that means wholeness, harmony and peace. It’s a complex idea, often oversimplified, similar to the way “unity” becomes a euphemism for sameness. 

Through a virtual format, we will explore these racial, political and social divisions, asking how we bring our whole selves to the table and stay engaged in light of our differences, not in spite of them.The Summit will include a lecture from Lisa Sharon Harper, a live Q&A, and the opportunity to hear from members of the Common Table and their important work. 

Individual registrations are only $10 per person. To get more information and to register: https://emoregon.org/event/2020-collins/.